Thursday, December 3, 2009
Crucial Week~~~
Time flew very fast, it's week 6 of week 8 in semester now. This means is the most pack time in the semester where you just finish a midterm test, and rushing to hand up assignment(S), final year project,prepare for assignment(S) and FYP presentation. It's 2am now, and I'm still rushing my Network Security assignment which is due on later 5pm, very undicipline,rite? haha, i knew,but it just happened.So, MIKE!!!! GET UR ASS OUT TO UR WORKS!!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
New Short Semester
After 4 months of industrial training, at last, I need to back to study. Maybe too long never attend lecture class, even 2 hours class is quite killing me, furthermore, most of my class are 4 hours straight.What to do? Have to slowly make adjustment and get used, sigh.
For this short sem, i expect it to be a quite challenging period, 2 subject plus FYP(Final Year Project), plus some extra activities.. But I still feel very boring and free for the time being. Actually, I have alot things to be done. Getting FYP title is the most important task and it will due on this friday, hope i can get 1 before due date. Setting up my pc, change to another computer table, house cleaning, bla bla bla are so call the extra activities. They are all que-ing to be complete, hope I can complete ASAP, or i shud say MUST complete ASAP.
Blogging in at 3am maybe is quite off timing, this must thanks to myself of fall asleep during dinner time and only take dinner+supper at 10pm. And the most interesting thing is, my friend booked me for tennis at 7.30am, oh gosh, hope I can wake up in time.
Almost 3.30 now, I think i better try to sleep again...... Chaoz
For this short sem, i expect it to be a quite challenging period, 2 subject plus FYP(Final Year Project), plus some extra activities.. But I still feel very boring and free for the time being. Actually, I have alot things to be done. Getting FYP title is the most important task and it will due on this friday, hope i can get 1 before due date. Setting up my pc, change to another computer table, house cleaning, bla bla bla are so call the extra activities. They are all que-ing to be complete, hope I can complete ASAP, or i shud say MUST complete ASAP.
Blogging in at 3am maybe is quite off timing, this must thanks to myself of fall asleep during dinner time and only take dinner+supper at 10pm. And the most interesting thing is, my friend booked me for tennis at 7.30am, oh gosh, hope I can wake up in time.
Almost 3.30 now, I think i better try to sleep again...... Chaoz
Monday, May 11, 2009
或许昨晚早睡(一点多对我来说算早了),今天10点多就自动起身了。坐在电脑前才发现,今天已经是11号了,18号就会考2张试卷(Management 和 Client-Server),22号Resource Management Techniques, 26号Logic Programming 和 Internet Computing, 27号Information Systems Development。天啊,26号的2张试卷都蛮难的,真的要很努力了。建威阿建威,时间不多了,快加油!!!
Friday, May 1, 2009

自从新年后最后一次更新我的部落格后,算算一下,已经两个半月都没更新了。新学期自从新年后都忙到现在,都不知道在忙些什么。宁静的深夜,突然间有“mood"要更新部落格。病了几天的我,病情终于大有好转。星期天傍晚打完tennis后,一直不断打喷嚏,以为是被冷风吹倒的我,自个儿服食了感冒药就去睡了。哪知隔天,我觉得全身热烘烘的,喷嚏更像装满子弹的大炮一样,接二连三地打出三连炮。这样的情况一直连续到晚上,我终于忍不住了,驾了车子到Bkt Baru的24小时诊所去看病。哇噻,发烧,伤风,喉咙感染,咳嗽一一报道。医生开了5种药,要我定时服食,就这样,RM40飞走了。
病后的第四天,情况大有好转,不过我还是不敢乱吃喝,吃了些较为清淡的杂饭,乖乖的呆在家里追随香港的连续剧。晚上,室友提议去戏院观赏刚上映几天的英语片X-Men Origins: Wolverine。更难得的是,看完影片后,室友都想回家休息,也没有其他朋友约去喝茶。我也只好乖乖的呆在家里游览网页,听听歌。
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Chinese Caligraphy
Chinese Caligraphy is a famous event during Chinese New Year. It was started thousands years back in China, where every house will paste this "Dui Lian" at the side of the door as a celebration for the Chinese New Year. MMU Chinese Language Society(CLS) organize this event yearly. This year, I feel like writing back the caligraphy which I've actually learn for few years. So, I decided to take part in this competition. Well, since I've stop for many years, I can't 100% recall back what I've learnt. So, I just write it according to so called " FEELING" hehe.
Of course, my "Feeling" style can't get me the top 3 prizes in the competition. But I'm happy that I still can find back the passion of writing Chinese Caligraphy. Hope more people(event non-Chinese people) are interested in learning Chinese Caligraphy.
These are my 2 sets of "Dui Lian" which I wrote during the competition. Chinese Simplified and also Chinese Traditional wording.
Of course, my "Feeling" style can't get me the top 3 prizes in the competition. But I'm happy that I still can find back the passion of writing Chinese Caligraphy. Hope more people(event non-Chinese people) are interested in learning Chinese Caligraphy.
These are my 2 sets of "Dui Lian" which I wrote during the competition. Chinese Simplified and also Chinese Traditional wording.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Final Exam Trimester 2 08/09

After a series of fun hang out, Christmas Eve, New Year Eve, shopping, movie,bla bla bla....
Now is the time to work hard, Final Exam will start on 6th Jan till 10th Jan. Since this is a short semester, everything seems went through very fast, from early of semester, midterm test, assignment, and last but not least, FINAL EXAM.
Hope everyone do well in this exam, all the best to all my friends~~~
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